The major changes which the Jews have made in the theater are four in number. First, they have elaborated the mechanical side, making human talent and genius less necessary. They have made the stage {'realistic" instead of interpretative. Great actors needed very little machinery; the men and women on the pay rolls of the Jewish managers are helpless without machinery.
The outstanding fact about the vast majority of present day performances of any pretension is that the mechanical part dwarfs and obscures the acting: and this is the reason-knowing that the Jewish policy is death to talent, the Jewish producer prefers to put his faith and his money in wood, canvas, paint, cloth and tinsel. Wood and paint never show contempt for his sordid ideals and his betrayal of his trust. Thus we have in the theater today dazzling effects of light and motion -but no ideas. A great many stage employees, but no actors, drills and dances without end, but no drama. The Jew has put in the glitter but he has taken out the profounder ideas.
Second, the Jews have introduced Oriental sensuality to the stage. The mark of the filthy tide has risen until it has engulfed the whole theater. In New York, where Jewish managers are thicker than they ever will be in Jerusalem, the limit of theatrical adventures into the realm of the forbidden is being pushed further and further. The sale of narcotics is illegal, but the instilling of moral poison is not. The whole atmosphere of "cabaret" and "midnight frolic" entertainment is of Jewish origin and importation. Montmarte has nothing at all in the nature of lascivious entertainment that New York cannot duplicate.
But, neither New York nor any other American city has that Comedie Francaise which strives to counterbalance the evil of cosmopolitan Paris. Where have the writers for the Stage a single chance in this welter of sensuousness? Where have the actors of tragic or comic talent a chance in such productions? It is the age of the chorus girt a voluptuous creature whose mental caliber has nothing to do with the concern of drama, and whose stage life cannot in the very nature of things be a career.
A third consequence of Jewish domination of the American stage has been the appearance of the "Star' system, with its advertising appliances. The Theater is swamped in numerous "stars" that never really rose and certainly never shone, but which were hoisted high on the advertising walls of the Jewish theatrical syndicates in order to give the public the impression that these feeble lantern lights were in the highest heaven of dramatic achievement. The trick is a department store trick. It is sheer advertising strategy. Whereas in normal times a discriminating public made the "star" by their acclaim, nowadays the Jewish managers determine by their advertisements who the star shall be.
The Jew seeks immediate success in all but racial affairs. In the breakdown of the Gentile theater, success cannot be too swift for him. The training of artists takes time. It is far simpler to have the advertisement bills, the venal critics of the Press, serve as a substitute. The Jewish manager of the day diverts attention from the dramatic poverty of the theater by throwing confetti, limbs, lingerie and spangles dazzingly into the eyes of his audience.
Rise of the Jewish Theatrical Trust
These three disastrous results of Jewish control of the Theater are all explained by a fourth; the secret of the change is found in the Jewish passion to commercialize everything it touches. The focus of attention has been shifted from the Stage to the box office. The banal policy of "give the public what they want" is the policy of the panderer and not that of creative genius. It entered the theater with the first Jewish invasion in 1885, when two alert Jews established in New York a so-called booking-agency and offered to take over the somewhat cumbersome system by which managers of theaters in the big but distant towns in the country arranged engagements for the ensuing season The old process involved extensive correspondence with producing managers in the East and many local managers were obliged to spend several months in New York to make up a season's bookings. The advantage of a central booking concern relieved local managers of much time, labor and thought, all details were handled for him and his next season's bookings were arranged for him.
In this manner was laid the foundation of the later day Theatrical Trust. The booking firm which gave birth to the iron control of the theater was that of Klaw & Erlanger. This is the key to the whole problem of the decline of the American stage. The rise of the Theatrical Trust completed the destruction of the personal touch in their relationship between manager and company. The old "personal" system made possible the development of genius in accordance with the organic laws which determine its nurture, growth and fruition.
The fact of Jewish control of the theater is not itself a ground for complaint. If certain Jews, working separately or in groups, have succeeded in wrenching this rich business from its former Gentile control, that is purely a matter of commercial interest. It is precisely on the same footing as if one group of Gentiles had won the control from another group of Gentiles. In this, as in other business matters, however, there is the ethical test of how the control was gained and how if is used.
Society is usually willing to receive the fact of control with equanimity, providing the control is not used for anti-social purposes. The fact that the old-time Gentile producing managers usually died poor while Jewish producing managers want immensely rich would indicate that the Gentile managers were better artists and poorer business men than the Jewish managers. At least poorer business men, perhaps; and in any case working on a system whose chief object was to produce plays not merely profits. The advent of Jewish control put the theater on a more commercialized basis than it had previously known. It really represented applying the Trust Idea of the theatre before it had been largely applied to industry.
The early control of theaters in strategic cities, the block booking agencies for artists and productions, and the running out of business of the independent theaters and stock companies by excessive charges for plays that had already been used in the regular theaters of the Trust, really served Jewish interests in another way. The motion picture industry was coming to the front. It was a Jewish enterprise from the first. There was never any need to drive the Gentiles out of that, because the Gentiles never had a chance to get it. Thus the driving out of the independent theater manager and the stock companies threw the empty theaters over to the "movies" and the benefit was again confined to a racial group.
The Theatrical Trust, which began as Jewish, was at the beginning of the twentieth century in full control of the field. It reduced what was essentially an art to a time clock, cash register system, working with the precision of a well-controlled factory. It suppressed individuality, initiative, killed off competition, drove out the independent manager and the natural genius, excluded all but foreign playwrights of established reputations, fostered the popularity of inferior talent which was predominantly Jewish, foisted countless "stars" of mushroom growth upon a helpless public while driving real artists into obscurity; it handled plays, theaters and actors, like factory products and began a process of vulgarizing and commercializing everything connected with the theater.
Critics “Controlled”
It is quite possible that many who read this are not interested in the theater, and are, in fact, convinced that the theater and cinema are a menace. But, what principally makes these things a menace? This-that the stage and cinema today represent the principal cultural element of 90 per cent of the people. What the average young person absorbs as to good form, proper deportment, refinement as contrasted with coarseness, correctness of speech or choice of words, customs and feelings of other nations, fashion of clothes, ideas of religion and law, are derived from what is seen at the cinema and theater. The masses' sole idea of home and life of the rich is derived from the stage and the movies.
More wrong notions are given, more prejudices created by the Jewish controlled theater-cinema in one week than can be charged against a serious study of the Jewish Question in a century. People sometimes wonder where the ideas of the younger generation come from-this is the answer. The Jewish control of the public mind was not gained without opposition, but one by one the defenders of the American tradition were beaten or surrendered to overwhelming influences. The Jewish Theatrical Trust was attacked by the Editor of the New York "Dramatic Mirror" as far back as December 25, 1897. He was the famous dramatic critic Harrison Grey Fiske. He wrote:
"What then should be expected of a band of adventurers of infamous origin, of no breeding and utterly without artistic taste? Let it be kept in mind that the ruling number of these men who compose the Theatrical Trust are absolutely unfit to serve in any but the most subordinate places in the economy of the stage, and that they ought not to be tolerated even in these places except under a discipline, active, vigorous and uncompromising. Their records are disreputable and in some cases criminal, and their methods are in keeping with their records."
Fiske's article was reprinted in March, 1898. The Jews, of course, acted as one man as is always the case when one Jew is censured for wrong doing or when one group of Jews are exposed for malpractices. All the Jews in the United States came to the rescue of the Theatrical Trust Pressure was brought to bear on news companies which handled the circulation of magazines in the United States. Leading hotels were induced to withdraw the "Dramatic Mirror" from their news stands. "Mirror" correspondents were refused admittance to theaters controlled by the Trust. Any number of underground influences were set in operation to "get" Fiske and his business.
EDITOR'S NOTE: These counter-measures of over 50 years ago in America are readily recognized by alert observers of the present day, when any form of criticism of a Jew or group of Jews is expressed; if anything the weapons used to silence critics are more powerful, because Jewry has become more powerful.
Libel suits were brought against Fiske for gigantic damages for the strictures he had printed upon the personal characters of members of the Trust. For once the Trust members came off badly. They were revealed to be a much lower type of men than the American public had supposed was in charge of the American theater. The fight of the dramatic critics, first against the bribery and then against the bludgeoning of the Theatrical Trust makes a story of which echoes have frequently come to the public through the Press. Conciliatory at first, with managers, actors, playwrights and critics, the Trust, as soon as it gained power, showed its claws beneath the velvet.
It had millions of dollars of the public coming its way, why should it care? Whenever a critic opposed its methods or pointed out the inferior, coarse and degrading character of the Trust productions, he was barred from the Trust's theaters, and local managers were instructed to demand his discharge from his newspaper. In almost every case the demand was complied with, the papers being threatened with the loss of advertising. In all the years since, the Trust has hounded and blacklisted critics who tell the truth and have prevented their employment by newspaper.
The rage of the day is not plays but playhouses. The theatrical business entered upon its real estate phase with the coming of the Trust. There id money in renting chairs at the rate of 1 to 3 dollars an hour. The renting of chairs is a reality. The Stage has become an illusion, since it came under the influence and control of a group of former bootblacks, newsboys, ticket speculators, prize ring habitues, and Bowery characters.
EDITOR'S NOTE: Since the original "Dearborn Independent" articles were published the critics and columnists of the American Press have become predominantly Jewish, or Jewish controlled.
The public does not see and does not know these gods before whom they pour their millions yearly, nor does the public know from what Source theatrical vileness comes. It is painful to listen to fledgling philosophers discuss the "tendencies of the stage," or expiate learnedly on the "divine right of Art," to be as flippant and filthy as it pleases, when all the time the "tendency" and "art" is determined by men whose antecedents would make Art scream.
The Theatrical Trust does not exist in the form it did ten years ago; it grew arrogant and bred secret enemies among its own people. A new force arose, but it was also Jewish. Instead of one, the American people now have a dual dictatorship of the stage. It is perfectly natural that the complete Judaization of the theater should result in its being transformed into the "show business," a mere matter of trade and barter. The producers are often not equipped culturally for anything more than the baldest business. They can hire what they want, mechanics, costumers, painters, writers, musicians. With their gauge of public taste and their models of action formed upon the race track and the prize ring; with their whole ideal modeled upon the ambition to pander to depravity, instead of serving legitimate needs, it is not surprising that the standards of the Theater should now be at their lowest mark. The Jewish manager whenever possible employs Jewish actors and actresses. Gentile playwrights and actors are steadily diminishing in number for want of a market. The "cover name" conceals from the public that the actors and actresses who purvey "entertainment" are, in large and growing proportion, Jewish.
The All-Jewish “Movies”
Jews did not invent the art of motion picture photography; they have contributed next to nothing to its mechanical or technical improvement; they have not produced any of the great artists, either writers or actors, which have furnished the screen with its genuine material.
Motion photography, like most other useful things in the world, is of non-Jewish origin. But by the singular destiny which has made the Jews the greatest cream-skimmers of the world, the benefit of it has not gone to the originators, but to the usurpers, the exploiters. When millions of people crowd through the doors of the movie houses at all hours of the day and night, literally an unending line of human beings in every habitable corner of the land, it is worth knowing who draws them there, who acts on their minds while they quiescently wait in the darkened theater, and who really controls the massive bulk of human force and ideas generated and directed by the suggestions of the screen. Who stands at the apex of this mountain of control?
It is stated in the sentence: The motion picture influence of the United States, of the whole world, is exclusively under the control, moral and financial, of the Jewish manipulators of the public mind.
The moral side of the movies' influence is now a world problem. Everybody who has an active moral sense is convinced as to what is being done and as to what ought to be done. It is a business that frankly brutalizes taste and demoralizes morals and should not be permitted to be a law unto itself. But the propaganda side of the movies does not so directly declare itself to the public. That the movies are recognized as a tremendous propagandist institution is proved by the eagerness of all sorts of causes to enlist them. There is ample evidence that the Jewish promoters have not overlooked that end of it. This propaganda as at present observed may be described under the following heads: It consists in silence about the Jew as an ordinary being.
Jews are not shown upon the stage and screen except in unusually favorable situations. This ill-concealed propaganda of the Jewish movie picture control is also directed against non-Jewish religions. A Jewish rabbi is never depicted on the screen in any but the most honorable attitude. He is clothed with all the dignity of his office and he is made as impressive as can be. Christian clergymen, as any movie "fan" will readily recall, are often subjected to all sorts of misrepresentation, from the comic to the criminal. This attitude is distinctly Jewish. Like many unlabeled influences in our life, whose sources lead back to Jewish groups, the object is to break down as far as possible all respectful or considerate thought about the clergy.
The Catholic clergy very soon made themselves felt in opposition to this abuse of their priestly dignity, and as a result of their vigorous resentment the Jew climbed down. You now never see a priest made light of on the screen. But the Protestant clergyman is still the elongated, snivelling, bilious hypocrite of anti-Christian caricatures. He is made to justify his deeds by appeals to "broad" principles -which really kills two birds with one stone; it degrades the representative of religion in the eyes of the audience, and at the same time it insidiously inoculates the audience with the same dangerous ideas. A Hebrew may not be depicted on the screen as the owner of a sweat shop-though all sweat shop owners are Jews; but you may make a Christian clergyman anything from a seducer to a safe-cracker -and get away with it. Remembering what is written in the Protocols, a question arises.
It is written:
"We have misled, stupefied and demoralized the youth of the Gentiles by means of education in principles and theories, patently false to us, but which we have inspired." (Protocol 9.)
"We have taken good care long ago to discredit the Gentile clergy." (Protocol 17.)
"It is for this reason that we must undermine faith, eradicate from the minds of the Gentiles the very principles of God and Soul, and replace these conceptions by mathematical calculations and material desires." (Protocol 4.)
Two possible views are open to choice: one, that this caricature of representatives of religion is simply that natural expression of a worldly state of mind; the other, that it is part of a traditional campaign of subversion. The former is the natural view among uninformed people. It would be the preferable view, if peace of mind were the object sought. But there are far too many indications that the second view is justified, to permit of its being cast aside.
The screen, whether consciously or just carelessly, is serving as a rehearsal stage for scenes of anti-social menace. There are no uprisings of revolutions except those that are planned and rehearsed. Revolutions are not spontaneous uprisings, but carefully planned minority actions. There have been few popular revolutions. Civilization and liberty have always been set back by those revolutions which subversive elements have succeeded in starting. Successful revolution must have a rehearsal.
It can be done better in the motion pictures than anywhere else: this is the "visual education" such as even the lowest brow can understand. Indeed, there is a distinct disadvantage in being "high-brow" in such matters. Normal people shake their heads and pucker their brows and wring their hands, saying, "We cannot understand it." Of course, they cannot. But if they understood the low-brow, they would understand it, and very clearly. There are two families in this world, and on one the darkness dwells.
Reformers, of course, heartily agree with this as far as criminal portrayals are concerned. Police protest against the technique of killing a policeman being shown with careful detail on the screen. Business men object to daily lessons in safe-cracking being given in the pictures. Moralists object to the art of seduction being made the stock motif no matter what the subject. They object because they recognize it as evil schooling which bears bitter fruits in society. This kind of "visual education" is going on; there is now nothing connected with violent outbreaks which has not been put into the minds of millions by the agency of the motion pictures. It may be, of course, a mere coincidence. But coincidences are also realities.
There are other developments in screendom which are worthy of mention. One is the increasing use of non-Jewish authors to produce Jewish propaganda. Popular non-Jewish authors' books have been screened by Jewish producers and they are more effective as such propaganda because they are backed by non-Jewish names famous in the literary world. How much of it is due to the authors' desire to enter the field of pro-Semitic propaganda, and how much of it is due to their* reluctance to refuse amiable suggestions from movie magnates who have already paid them liberal sums and are likely to pay them more, is another question. With the "movie bug" so rampant in the country, it is next to impossible to supply enough good pictures for the stimulated and artificial demand. Some people's appetite calls for two or more pictures a day. Shallow pated women see them in the afternoon and several more at night. With all the brains and skill of the country engaged on the task it would be impossible to supply a fresh drama or comedy of quality, hot out of the studios every hour, like bread. Where the Jewish controllers have overstepped themselves is here: they have over-stimulated a demand which they are not able to supply, except with such material as is bound to destroy the demand. Nothing is more dangerous to the social value of the motion picture business than an exaggerated appetite for them, and this appetite is whetted and encouraged until it becomes a mania.
EDITOR'S NOTE: This has been ample proved in the use made of the cinema to foment the 1939 war, and to intensify the hatreds and spread the malicious lies that grew out of that war.
EDITOR'S NOTE: These views on Jewish influence in the United States were, of course, published before the remarkable development of television, and radio. While that mighty influence is not mentioned in these pages concerning Jewish activities in the United States, it should be added that Jewish control, from the manufacturing to the performing end, is as effective as in other American businesses. Radio-television, as a force In the world-program outlined in this series of articles, probably now takes the first place in the Jewish scheme of things.
"In order not to destroy premature the Gentile institutions, we have laid our efficient hands on them, and rasped the springs of their mechanism. They were formerly in strict and just order, but we have replaced them with a liberal disorganized and arbitrary administration. We have tampered with Jurisprudence, the franchise, the press, freedom of the person, and, most important of all, education and culture, the cornerstone of free existence. We have misled, stupefied and demoralized the youth of the 'Gentiles by means of education in principles and theories patently false to us, but which we have inspired. Above existing laws, without actual change but by distorting them through contradictory interpretations, we have created something stupendous in the way of result." The Ninth Protocol.
Jewish Jazz becomes Our National Music
Many people have wondered whence come the waves upon waves of musical slush that invade decent homes and set the young people of this generation imitating the drivel of morons. Popular music is a Jewish monopoly. Jazz is a Jewish creation. The mush, slush, the sly suggestion, the abandoned sensuousness of sliding notes, are of Jewish origin. Monkey talk, jungle squeals, grunts and squeaks and gasps suggestive of calf love are camouflaged by a few feverish notes and admitted in homes where the thing itself, unaided by scanned music," would be stamped out in horror.
The fluttering music sheets disclose expressions taken directly from the cesspools of modern capitals, to be made the daily slang, the thoughtlessly hummed remarks of school boys and girls. Is it surprising that whichever way you turn to trace the harmful streams of influence that flow through society, you come upon a group of Jews? In baseball corruption - a group of Jews. In exploitative finance - a group of Jews. In theatrical degeneracy - a group of Jews. In liquor propaganda - a group of Jews. In control of national war policies - a group of Jews. In control of the Press through business and financial pressure - a group of Jews. War profiteers, 80 per cent of them - Jews. Organizers of active opposition to Christian laws and customs - Jews.
In this miasma of so-called popular music, which combines weak-mindedness with every suggestion of lewdness - again Jews. The Jewish influence on American music is without doubt regarded as serious by those who know anything about it. Not only is there a growing protest against the Judaization of our few great orchestras, but there is a strong reaction from the racial collusion which fills the concert stage and popular platform with Jewish artists to the exclusion of all others. If they were superior artists, nothing against it could be said; they are only better known and racially favored in Jewish musical circles.
"Let me make a nation's songs and I care not who makes the laws," said one; in this country the Jews have had a very large hand in making both. It is the purpose of this article to put people in possession of the truth concerning the moron music which they habitually hum and sing and shout day and night, and if possible to help them to see the invisible Jewish baton which is waved above them for financial and propaganda purposes. Just as the American stage and motion picture have fallen under the control of Jews and their art-destroying commercialism, so the business of handling "popular songs" has become a Yiddish industry. The Jews who captured it in the early days of exploitation were for the most part Russian-born Jews, some of whom had personal pasts which were as unsavory as the past of many Jewish theatrical and movie leaders have been exposed to be.
In the early 1920's, Irving Berlin, Leo Feist and other officers of seven music publishing corporations in New York, were charged with violating the Sherman anti-Trust law in a suit brought by the United States Government. The defendants, it was alleged, controlled 80% of the available copyrighted songs used by manufacturers of phonographs, player piano rolls and other musical reproducing instruments, and fixed prices at which the records or rolls were to be sold to the public.
The corporations involved in the action were the Consolidated Music Corporation; Irving Berlin, Inc. ; Francis, Day and Hunter, Inc. ; Shapiro, Bernstein & Co. ; Watterson, Berlin & Snyder, Inc. ; and M. Witmark & Sons, Inc. - all of New York. The agreement which the United States Government sought to dissolve was alleged to provide that the defendants would make contracts only through the Consolidated Music Corporation which they had organized. The other 20 % of the song business was controlled by other Jewish music houses not included in that special group.
How the Jewish Song Trust makes you Sing
Jews did not create the popular song; they debased it. The time of the entry of Jews into control of the popular song is the exact time when the morality of popular songs began to decline. The "popular" song, before it became a Jewish industry, was really popular.
The people sang it and had no reason to conceal it. The popular song today is often so questionable a composition that performers with a vestige of decency must appraise their audience before they sing. Citizens of adult age will remember the stages through which the popular song has passed during recent decades. War songs persisted after the Civil War and were gradually intermingled with songs of a later time, picturesque, romantic, clean. The same and similar songs and ballads had a brief revival during World War I.
These were not the product of song-factories, but the creation of individuals whose gifts were given natural expression. These individuals did not work for combines of publishers but for the satisfaction of their work, for individual artists of the music-hall stage. There were no great fortunes made out of songs, but there were many satisfactions in having pleased the public taste. The public taste, like every other taste, craves what it is given most to feed upon. Public taste is public habit. The public is blind to the source of that upon which it lives, and it adjusts itself to the supply. Public taste is raised or lowered as the quality of its pabulum improves or degenerates.
In a quarter of a century, given all the avenues of publicity like theater, movie, popular song, newspapers and radio - in the meantime having thrown the mantle of contempt over all counter-active moral agencies - you can turn out nearly the kind of public you want. It takes just about a quarter of a century to do the job.
In other days the people sang as they do now, but not in such doped fashion nor with such bewildered continuity. They sang because they wished to, not as an uncontrolled habit. They sang songs nonsensical, sentimental, heroic, but the "shady" songs were outlawed. The old songs come readily back to memory.
Though years have intervened since they were the fashion, yet their quality was such that they do not die. The popular song of last month - who knows its name? But there are songs of long ago whose titles are familiar even to those who have not sung them. What margin did these songs leave for the suggestive and for the unwholesomely emotional? Sentiment was not lacking, but it was unobjectionable sentiment. Then came the Jews; the popular song underwent a change.
An entirely new crop of titles appeared dealing with an entirely different series of subjects than the songs they displaced Talented singers, tuneful singing vanished. The Jew and the African period, being the entrance of the jungle motif, the so-called "Congo" stuff, and other compositions which swiftly degenerated into a rather more bestial type than the beasts themselves arrive at.
Running alongside this swamp strain was the "ragtime" style of music which was a development of the legitimate Negro minstrelsy. Lyrics disappeared before the numerous "cake-walk" songs that deluged the public ear. Seductive syncopation swamped the harmony of the real song. Minstrelsy took on a new life; glamorous youths mutter dirges in low monotones, voluptuous females with grossly seductive gestures moan nasal notes no real musician can recognize." Piano acts" were made the rage; "jazz bands" made their appearance.
By insensible gradations now easily traceable through the litter of songs with which recent decades are strewn, we have been able to see the decline in the popular song supply. Sentiment has been turned into sensuous suggestion. Romance has been turned into eroticism. The popular musical lilt slid into ragtime and ragtime has been superseded by jazz and crooning. Song topics became lower and lower until at last they are the dredges of the slimy bottom of the underworld.
The first self-styled "King of Jazz" was a Jew named "Frisco." The general directors of the whole downward trend have been Jews. It needed just their touch of cleverness to camouflage the moral filth and raise it half a degree above that natural stage where it begets nothing but disgust
In this business of making the people's songs the Jews have shown as usual, no originality but much adaptability -which is a charitable term used to cover plagiarism, which in its turn politely covers the crime of mental pocket-picking. The Jews do not create; they take what others have done, give it a clever twist, and exploit it. Plagiarism is the result of mediocre artists being spurred on by non-artistic promoters to produce something that can be dressed up with sufficient attractiveness to draw the public's money. The Jews bought up all the old song books, opera scores, collections of folk songs, and, if you stop to analyze some of the biggest "hits" of the early days of the Yiddish song manufacturing Trust, you will find they are woven on the motif and melody of the clean songs of the pre-swamp era.
The music jazzed and swung out of recognition, the sentiment sensualized very much, and pushed upon their smutty road across the world. Because of absolute Jewish control of the song market, both in publish ing and in theatrical performance, it is next to impossible for anything but a Jewish song to be published in the United States, or if published, to get a hearing. The proof of this is in the fact that the Yiddish trust owns all the business and the so-called "song-hits" all bear Jewish names.
The insidiousness of the Jewish menace to our artistic integrity is due partly to the speciousness, the superficial charm and oriental persuasiveness of Hebrew art, its glitter, its violently juxtaposed extremes of passion, its poignant eroticism and pessimism, and partly to the fact that the strain in us which might make head against it, the deepest, most fundamental strain in our nature is diluted and confused by a hundred other tendencies of the Jewish age. The Anglo-Saxon group of qualities and the Anglo-Saxon point of view, are the vital nucleus of the American temper. The Jewish domination of our music threatens to submerge and stultify them at every point.
Liquor, Gambling, Vice and Corruption
The Jew is the world's enigma. Poor in his masses, yet he controls the world's finances. Scattered abroad without country or official government, yet he presents a unity of race continuity which no other people has achieved. Poor some centuries living under legal disabilities in almost every land, he emerged to become the power behind many a throne. The single description which will include a larger percentage of Jews than members of any other race is this: he is in business.
From the sale of old clothes to the control of international trade and finance, the Jew is supremely gifted for business. More than any other race he exhibits a decided aversion to industrial employment which he balances by an equally decided adaptability to trade. The Gentile boy is prepared to work his way up, taking employment in the productive or technical departments; but the Jewish boy prefers to begin as a salesman, clerk, anything so long as it is connected with the commercial side of the business.
In America alone most of the big business, the trusts, the banks, the natural resources and the chief agricultural products, especially tobacco, cotton and sugar, are in the control of Jewish financiers or their agents. Jewish journalists are a large and powerful group here. Large numbers of department stores are held by Jewish firms, and many of them, if not most, are run under Gentile names. Jews are the largest and most numerous landlords of residential property in the whole country. They are supreme in the entertainment world.
They absolutely control the circulation of publications throughout the country. More powerful than any race among us, they receive a daily amount of favorable publicity which would be impossible did they not have the facilities for creating and distributing it themselves. Werner Sombart, a pro-Jewish writer, in his "Jews and Modern Capitalism," says:
"If the conditions in America continue to develop along the same lines as in the last generation, if the immigration statistics and the same proportion of births among all the nationalities remain the same, our imagination may picture the United States of 50 or 100 years hence as a land inhabited only by Slavs, Negroes and Jews, wherein the Jew will naturally occupy the position of economic leadership."
The Jew is the only original internationalist capitalist, but as a rule he prefers not to emblazon that fact upon the skies; the arresting fact about the Jew is his world wide unchallenged power coupled with comparative numerical inferiority.
How the Liquor Trust Worked
An alcoholic spirit from grain may be made in any climate and by many methods. Neutral spirits, high wines and alcohol, are not indigenous anywhere. They can be made in any back room or cellar, in a very little time. Little care is required. A concoction of drugs and spirits, colored and flavored, fraudulently labeled "whisky" and passed over the bar, is a crime against distilling, against the human nervous system, and against society. As far back as 1904, Dr. Wiley, then chief of the United States Bureau of Chemistry, had a great deal to say about this. Few paid any attention to him because he did not point out that the evil he was attacking was fostered by a single class of men bent on gain at the cost of ruin to an American industry and to countless thousands of American citizens.
The public supposed that Dr. Wiley was discussing a technical matter which interested American distillers only. It might have vastly interested the American citizens if anyone had but had the clear vision and the courage to expose the great Jewish whiskey conspiracy.
Old Names Bought up
The Jewish character of the whiskey business since as far back as the Civil War may be visualized by the simple expedient of noting how many of the better known brands have at various dates come under Jewish control. It is an alarming list. Any citizen in any city of any size will have no trouble in confirming the statement that most of the rectifiers and wholesalers and brokers in the whiskey trade of his city were, and still are, Jews. It is not only the fact that the liquor business is controlled by Jews that assumes importance, but it is in the additional fact that there was spread over America the machinery of a vicious system which while it was destined to ruin the liquor business, also ruined hundreds of thousands of citizens who trusted that "pure and unadulterated" meant what the words were intended to convey. Of course the stuff was "pure and unadulterated." So is carbolic acid-but it is not whiskey. Prohibition came sweeping the saloon away, but not depriving the Jewish compounder of his profits. Prohibition was swept away but the booze rackets remained.
The Reasoned Answer
The ancient Jewish policy of Divide-Conquer-Destroy tells the story of the liquor traffic. Jewish influence divided between distilling and compounding, drove out distilling, and in the end destroyed the traffic as a legalized entity-opening the way for the mass-organized bootlegger, gangster, and the lawlessness which created today's evil world. It is extremely simple, so simple that it is overlooked. "Divide and Conquer," is the formula as the Jewish leaders conceive it, as, indeed, it is stated in the Protocols.
The public is being constantly deceived by an appearance of complexity, where there is none. When you find the fever-bearing mosquito, yellow-fever is no longer a mystery. That which succumbs to complete Judaization, as Jewish leaders conceive it, may deserve to fall. The justification of its destruction may appear in the possibility of its Judaization. The maintenance of the idea of drink in the minds of the people is due to Jewish propaganda. There is not a dialogue on the stage or screen that does not drip of drink patter. The idea of the abuse of drink will be maintained by means of the Jewish stage, Jewish jazz and Jewish comics, until somebody comes down hard upon it as being incentive of treason.
Jewish Gamblers Corrupt American Sports
There are men in the United States who say that baseball has received its death wound and is dying out of the lists of respectable sports. There are other men who say that American baseball can be saved if a clean sweep is made of the Jewish influence which has dragged it through a period of bitter shame and demoralization. Whether baseball as a first-class sport is killed and will survive only as a cheap-jack entertainment; or whether baseball possesses sufficient intrinsic character to rise in righteous wrath and cast out the danger that menaces it, will remain a matter of various opinion.
But there is one certainty, namely, that the last and most dangerous blow dealt baseball was curiously notable for its Jewish character. Baseball is a trivial matter compared with some of the facts that are waiting publication, yet is it possible to see the operation of the Jewish Idea in baseball as clearly as in any other field. The process is the same, whether in war or politics, in finance or in sports.
To begin with, the Jews are not sportsmen. This is not set down in complaint against them, but merely as analysis. It may be a defect in their character, or it may not; it is nevertheless a fact which discriminating Jews unhesitatingly acknowledge. Whether this is due to their physical lethargy, their dislike of unnecessary physical action, or their cast of mind, others may decide; the Jew is not naturally an out-of-door sportsman; if he takes up golf it is because his station in society calls for it, not that he really likes it; and if he goes in for collegiate athletics, as some of the younger Jews are doing, it is because so much attention has been called to their neglect of sports that the younger generation thinks it necessary to remove that occasion of remark.
And yet, the bane of American sports is the presence of a certain type of Jew, not as a participant but as an exploiter and corrupter. There is a very full case made out in justification of the use of the terms "exploiter" and "corrupter" with regard to baseball. But it would be just as easy to make out the same sort of case with regard to wrestling and horse racing and professional pugilism. Wrestling is so completely ruled by Jews as to have become an outlawed sport. The story of wrestling is not only the story of demoralization of a sport but also the story of wholesale defrauding of the public. The same is true of horse-racing. The whole atmosphere of the sport is dishonest.
The horses remain the only well-bred creatures connected with it. Yet why should the art of breeding and training and testing fine horses be debasing? Only because a certain class saw in it a chance to play on the weakness of men for the sake of gain. That explains the presence of the Jew in modern sports and it also explains why the Jewish Idea in sports, instead of being preservative, is corruptive. The Jew saw money where the sportsman saw fun and skill. The Jew set out to capitalize rivalry and to commercialize contestant zeal. It would seem to be high time that organized Jewry should undertake to control or repudiate those Jews who have been most instrumental in corrupting and nearly destroying our cleanest, most manly public sports.
It is worth noting that in Chicago, where the Jewish Anti-Defamation League has its headquarters, there was not a word of reproof sent out from Jews to the Jewish culprits chiding them for their activities. Not a word. But at the same time the pressure of the Anti-Defamation League was heavy on the whole American newspaper press to prevent the public statements that the whole baseball scandal was a Jewish performance from beginning to end. Heavy Jewish betting, the bribing of players, the buying of clubs, the cheating of the public, has been proved time and again in American courts. All along the line of investigation into sporting scandals the names of Jews are plentifully sprinkled.
If "fans" wish to know the trouble with American baseball, they have it in three words-too much Jew. "Gentile fronts"' may rant out their parrot-like pro-Jewish propaganda, the fact is that a sport is clean and helpful until it begins to attract Jewish investors and exploiters and then it goes bad. The two facts have occurred in pairs too frequently in America and under too many dissimilar circumstances to have their relationship doubted.
There are no variations on the Jewish corruption of American sports, principally baseball, racing, boxing and wrestling. In the fixing of results, the swindling of gamblers, the staging of frauds, the rottenness has been discovered between the Jewish investors and the venal contestants. It should be emphasized that the principal Jewish abuses are nation-wide.
This was shown in the United States Government's investigation of the White Slave Traffic; the bootlegging business, racetrack gambling, baseball pools- all a national network for the catching of "suckers." There is nothing unusual in this Jewish activity-from the clever "high-ups" to the degenerate "low-downs"; they are all part of a national group. They are part of the national machinery organized and operated for the purpose of separating "Gentile boobs" from their money.
If there were no "Gentile boobs," or if the "Gentile boob" would only take a straight look at the man behind the nationwide spiderweb, the gamblers and the Jewish sport-purveyors would be in another kind of business; with perhaps less money to flaunt in the faces of honest people. Years before the public scandals broke, the Jew had crowded into all the lucrative sports; he remains in control of them, but only on the commercial side, seldom if ever in sympathy with sport as a real sportsman. The Jews are not even real gamblers, they are not sportsmen enough to gamble; they are the "sure-thing" men. The "Gentile boobs" who walk into their traps are the people who provide the money. Even in the field of money the Jew is not a sport-he is a gangster, ringing a gang of his ilk round him.
Wrestling is so tightly controlled by Jewish managers that a real wrestler is absolutely barred out, for fear he will be able to show that the handful of wrestlers hired by the Jewish Sports Trust are not wrestlers at all, but only impositions on the good nature of the public. The rottenness of the ancient sport of clean wrestling has surfaced in such disgusting orgies as "all in" and "mud" wrestling and, lately, wrestling contests between screaming viragos of the female sex. Wrestling is as much a Jewish business controlled in its every part as the manufacture of clothing.
Despite unending graft scandals baseball is still America's Number One sport. It cannot be killed as a busyness; it will always draw a gang on an afternoon, particularly a Sunday afternoon. It can be pepped up and 'Jazzed" up to make it quite a show. But it can, it is being, killed as a sport, and those who value the game as a sport should wish its utter destruction rather than consent that it become the rendezvous for the gang that now fill the Jew-controlled burlesque houses.
Baseball as a business has become a danger in American life, a mob center, a hang-out for the disorderly and criminal classes, as the racetrack and boxing ring have long since been. The disease is caused by the Jewish characteristic which spoils everything by ruthless commercial exploitation. The disease may be too far gone for any cure.
"People of all opinions and all doctrines are ads our service, restorers of monarchy, demagogues, Socialists, Communism and other Utopians. We have put them all to work. Every one of them from his point of view is undermining the last remnant of authority, is trying to overthrow all existing order. All the governments have been tormented by these actions. But we will not give them peace until they recognize our super-government." (The Ninth Protocol)
"When we introduced the poison of liberalism into the government organism, its entire political complexion changed." (The Tenth Protocol.)
The International Jew, the Worlds For most Problem
The World’s For most Problem
Anyone who essays to discuss the Jewish Question in the United States or anywhere else must be fully prepared to be regarded as "anti-Semite," a "Jew-baiter." Nor need encouragement be looked for from politicians, people or Press. The people who are awake to the subject at all prefer to wait and see how it all turns out. There is a vague feeling that to use the word "Jew" openly, or to expose it nakedly in print, is somehow improper. Polite evasions like "Hebrew" and "Semite" (both of which are-subject to the criticism of inaccuracy) are timidly assayed, and people pick their way gingerly as if the whole subject were forbidden, until some courageous thinker comes along with the word "Jew," and then the constraint is relieved and the air cleared.
The word "Jew" is not an epithet; it is a name, ancient and descriptive, with a significance for every period of human history, past, present and to come. The chief difficulty in writing about the Jewish Question is the super-sensitiveness of Jews and non-Jews concerning the whole matter. There is probably not a newspaper in America, and certainly none of the advertising mediums which are called magazines, which would have the temerity even to breathe seriously the fact that such a Question exists. The Press in general is open to fulsome editorials in favor of everything Jewish, while the Jewish Press, which is numerous in the United States, takes care of the vituperative end. The idea seems to be fixed in the Jew by inheritance that any public discussion of the Jewish Question is organized and inspired by a Jew-hater. That idea is sought to be fixed in the Gentile by propaganda; that any writing which does not simply cloy and drip syrupy sweetness towards things Jewish is born of prejudice and hatred. It is, therefore, 'full of lies, insult, insinuation, and constitutes an instigation to massacre." These terms can be found in current Jewish editorials.
What is “Anti-Semitism”
Anti-Semitism is a term which is bandied about too loosely. If it continues to be used indiscriminately and vituperatively about all who attempt to discuss Jewish characteristics and Jewish world-power, it will, in time, arrive at the estate of respectability and honor. It may be a useful clearing of the ground to define what anti-Semitism is not.
1. It is not a recognition of the Jewish Question. If it were, then it could be set down that the bulk of the American people are destined to become anti-Semites, for they are beginning to recognize the existence of a Jewish Question and will steadily do so in increasing numbers as the Question is forced on them from the various practical angles of their lives. The Question is here.
We may be honestly blind to it. We may be timidly silent about it. We may even make dishonest denial of it. But it is here and in time all will have to recognize it. In time the polite "hush, hush," of over-sensitive or intimidated circles will not be powerful enough to suppress it. But to recognize that Question will not mean that we have gone over to a national campaign of hatred and enmity against the Jews.
It will only mean that a stream of tendency which has been flowing through our civilization has at last accumulated bulk and power enough to challenge attention, to call for some decision with regard to it, to call for the adoption of a policy which will not repeat the mistakes of the past and yet forestall any possible menace of the future.
2. The public discussion of the Jewish Question is not "anti-Semitism." Publicity is sanitary. But the kind of publicity given to certain aspects of the Jewish Question in this country has been very misleading. It has been discussed more fully in the Jewish Press than elsewhere, but not with candor or breadth of vision. The two dominant notes - sounded over and over again with monotonous regularity-are Gentile unfairness and Christian prejudice.
It is fortunate for the Jews generally that the Jewish Press does not circulate very widely among Gentiles, for it is probably the one established agency in the United States which, without altering its program in the least, could stir up anti-Jewish sentiment by the very simple expedient of a general reading among non-Jews. Jewish writers writing for Jewish readers present unusual material for the study of race consciousness and its accompaniment of contempt for other races. On the side of the daily Press, there has been no serious discussion at all. When it mentions the Jews, it has stock complimentary phrases for the purpose.
The publicity given to the Question in this country consists in misrepresentation criticism of the Gentiles by the Jewish Press, and misrepresentation praise of the Jews by the non-Jewish Press. An independent effort to give constructive publicity cannot, therefore, be laid to anti-Semitism, even when some of the statements which are made in the course of it arouse resentment of Jewish readers.
3. Nor is it anti-Semitism to say that the suspicion is abroad in every capital of civilization, and the certainty is firmly held by a number of important men, that there is active in the world a plan to control the world, not by territorial acquisition, not by military aggression, not by governmental subjection, not even by economic control in the scientific sense, but by control of the machinery of commerce and exchange. It is not anti-Semitism to say that, nor to present the evidence which supports that, nor to bring the proof of that. Those who could best disprove it, if it were not true, are the International Jews themselves, but they have not disproved it.
Why Discuss the Jewish Question?
Because it is here, and because its emergence into public thought should contribute to its solution, and not to a continuance of those bad conditions which surround the Question in almost every country. The Jewish Question has existed in the United States for a very long time. Jews themselves have known it, even if Gentiles have not. There have been periods in our own country when it has broken forth with a sullen sort of strength which presaged dark things to come. Many signs portend that it is approaching an acute stage.
Not only does the Jewish Question touch those matters that are common knowledge, such as finance and commercial control, usurpation of political power, monopoly of necessities, and autocratic direction of the very news that the American people read; but it reaches into cultural regions and so touches the very heart of American life. The Question reaches down to South America and threatens to become an important factor in Pan-American relations. It is interwoven with much of the menace of organized and calculated disorder which troubles the nations today. It is not of recent growth, but its roots go deep, and the long Past of the Problem is counterbalanced by prophetic hopes and programs which involve a very deliberate and creative view of the future.
The Answer – Too Much Power!
Their heritage of tolerance has something to do with the extreme nervousness about public discussion of the Jewish Question on the part of many Gentiles, but perhaps their instinctive sense of the difficulty involved has more to do with it. The Gentile attitude is best expressed by the desire for silence-"Why discuss it at all?" Such an attitude is itself proof that here is a Problem we would evade if we could. Why discuss it at all?-the keen thinker clearly sees in the implications of such a question, the existence of a Problem whose discussion or suppression will not always be within the choice of easy-going minds.
Wherever you read of the Jewish Question being resolutely approached in the history of countries which have ever tackled it, wherever you go in the world today-in any country where the Jewish Question has come to the forefront as a vital issue, you will discover that the principal cause is the outworking of the Jewish genius to achieve the power of control. Here in the United States is the fact of this remarkable minority attaining in 50 years a degree of control that would be impossible to a ten times larger group of any other race. That creates the Jewish Question here.
No similar minority of any people would occasion comment, because we would not meet with a representative of them wherever we went in high places-in the innermost secrecy of the councils of the Big Four at Versailles; in the United States Supreme Court; in the councils of the White House; in the vast dispositions of world finance-wherever there is power to get or use. We meet the Jew everywhere in the upper circles, literally everywhere where there is power.
And that is where the Jewish question begins-in very simple terms-How does the Jew so habitually and so resistively gravitate to the highest places? Who puts him there? Why is he put there? What does he do there? What does the fact of his being there mean to the worlds THAT is the Jewish Question in its origin.
From these points it goes on to others, and whether the trend becomes pro-Jewish or anti-Semitic depends on the amount of prejudice brought to the inquiry, and whether it becomes pro-Humanity depends on the amount of insight and intelligence.
EDITOR'S NOTE: The original was published in June, 1920. The comment is even more applicable to the present United Nations setup; a more formidable organization because of its greater power through American membership.
The use of the word Humanity in connection with the word "Jew" usually throws a side meaning which may not be intended. In this connection it is usually understood that humanity ought to be shown toward the Jew. There is just as great an obligation upon the Jew to show hum humanity toward the whole human race.
The Jew has been too long accustomed to think himself as exclusively the claimant on the humanitarianism of society; society has a large claim against him that he cease his exclusiveness, that he cease exploiting the world, that he cease making Jewish groups the end and all of his gains, and that he begins to fulfill, in a sense his exclusiveness has never yet enabled him to fulfill, the ancient prophecy he boasts that through him all the nations of the earth should be blessed.
The Jew cannot go on forever fulfilling the role of suppliant for the world's humanitarianism, he must himself show that quality to a society which seriously suspects his higher and more powerful groups of exploiting it with a pitiless rapacity, which in its wide-flung and long-drawn-out distress may be described as an economic pogrom against a rather helpless humanity.
Why the “International Jew”?
There has been used in this series the term "International Jew." It is susceptible of two interpretations; one, the Jew wherever he may be; the other, the Jew who exercises international control. The real contention of the world is with the latter and his satellites, whether Jew or Gentile. This International type of Jew, this grasper after world-control, this actual possessor and wielder of world-control is a very unfortunate connection for his race to have. And the significance of this is that this type does not grow anywhere else than on a Jewish stem. There is no other racial or national type which puts forth this kind of person.
It is not merely that there are a few Jews among international financial controllers; it is that these world-controllers are exclusively Jews. Since world-control is an ambition which has only been achieved by Jews, and not by any of the methods usually adopted by would-be world-conquerors, it becomes inevitable that the question should center in that race. It is not the point to insist that in any list of rich men there are often more Gentiles than Jews; we are not talking about merely rich men who have, many of them, gained their riches by serving a System, we are talking about those who control- and it is perfectly apparent that merely to be rich is not to control.
The world-controlling Jew has riches, but he also has something much more powerful than that.
The International Jew rules not because he is rich, but because in a most marked degree he possesses the commercial and masterful genius of his race, and avails himself of a racial loyalty and solidarity the like of which exists in no other human group. He rules, at the top of affairs in every country worth while, by virtue of certain qualities which are inherent in the Jewish nature.
Every Jew has these qualities even if not in the supreme sense, just as every Englishman has Shakespeare's tongue but not in Shakespeare's degree. And thus it is impracticable, if not impossible, to consider the International Jew without laying the foundations broadly upon Jewish character and psychology.
We may discount at once the too common accusation that this greater form of Jewish success is built upon dishonesty. It is impossible to indict the whole Jewish people or any other on a wholesale charge. No one knows better than the Jew how widespread is the belief that Jewish methods of business are all unscrupulous. There is no doubt a possibility of a great deal of unscrupulousness existing without actual legal dishonesty, but it is altogether possible that the reputation the Jewish people have long borne in this respect may have had other sources than actual and persistent dishonesty.
To indicate one of these possible sources: The Jew at trade is naturally quicker than most other men. It is said that there are other races which are as nimble at a trade as is the Jew, but the Jew does not live much among them. Now, it is human nature for the man with slower, easy-going traditions to believe that the quicker man is too deft by far, and to become suspicious of his deftness.
The slower mind is likely to conceive that the man who sees so many legitimate twists and turns to a trade, may also see and use a convenient number of illegitimate twists and turns. The Jews, as the records show for centuries, were a keen people in trade. The nimble eagerness of the Jew for trade bustled into the midst of trade traditions, he broke them all wherever he went. He went after trade, the old leisurely tradition was to make trade come to the trader.
Everyone suspects the "sharp" fellow even though his sharpness may be entirely honest. A man who would break trade traditions would stop at nothing ! The Jew was anxious to sell. If he could not sell one article to a customer, he had another on hand to offer him. The old tradition was that it was strictly unethical and unbusiness-like to handle more than one line of goods, or to deal in more than one "trade"; that it was contemptible and underhand to go out and get a brother tradesman's customers away from him. It is as easy as child's play to connect this energy with dishonesty.
The Jew went after trade, pursued it, persuaded it. He was the originator of "quick turnover and quick profit." He originated the installment plan. The Jew's shops became bazaars, forerunners of our modern department stores, and the old custom of one shop for one line of goods was broken up .... the Jew was not playing the game, the staid old-fashioned merchant thought. As a matter of fact he was playing the game, the game to get it all into his own hands-which he has practically done.
The Jew has shown that same ability ever since his entry into trade in the various countries he has established himself down the centuries. His power of analyzing the money currents amounts to an instinct. His establishment in one country represented another base from which the members of his race could operate. Whether by the natural out-workings of innate gifts or the deliberate plan of race unity and loyalty, all the Jewish trading communities and relations, and as these trading communities increased in wealth, prestige and power, as they formed relations with governments and great interest in the countries where they operated, they simply put more power into the central community wherever it might be located, now in Spain, now in Holland, now in England.
Whether by intention or not, they became more closely allied than the branches of one business could be, because of the cement of racial unity; the bond of racial brotherhood cannot in the very nature of things exist among the Gentiles as it exists among the Jews. Gentiles never think of themselves as Gentiles, and never feel that they owe anything to another Gentile gas such; wherein lies their vulnerability. Thus they have been convenient agents of Jewish schemes at times and in places when it was not expedient that the Jewish controllers should be publicly known; but they have never been successful competitors of the Jew in the field of world-control.
From these separated Jewish communities went power to the central community where the master bankers and the master analysts of conditions lived. And back from the central community flowed information of an invaluable character and assistance wherever needed. It is not difficult to understand how, in such conditions, the nation that did not deal kindly with the Jews was made to suffer, and the nation that yielded to them their fullest desire was favored by them. They have made many nations feel the power of their displeasure and this system exists in greater power today. The coordination of Jewish activity has been a harmful thing for the world. This is the element which is bringing the Jewish Question to the bar of public opinion. May the International Jew go on as he has gone, or does his duty to the world require another use of his success.
Power Follows the International Jew
It is an important fact to be noted in connection with the "persecution" and consequent wanderings of the Jews about Europe that wherever they wandered the center of business seemed to go with them! When the Jews were free in Spain, there was the world's gold center. When Spain drove out the Jews, Spain lost her financial leadership and has never regained it. Students of the economic history of Europe have always been puzzled to discover why the center of trade should have shifted from Spain, Portugal and Italy, up to the northern countries of Holland, Germany and England They have sought for the cause in many things, but none seemed to be completely explanatory.
When it is shown that the change was coincident with the expulsion of the Jews from the South and their flight to the North, when it is known that upon the Jews' arrival the northern countries began a commercial life which has flourished to our day, the explanation does not seem difficult. Time and again it has been proved to be the fact that when the Jews were forced to move, the center of the world's precious metals moved with them.
It is also to be noted that the era of greatest national spiritual culture is shown during the period when the Jews were expelled from England and Spain. These two great countries have given much to the world, the best of it they gave during their freedom from contact with Jewish ideas.
“When America Awakes!”
It is clearly proved that in the world today there is a central force which is playing a vast and closely organized game, with the world as its table and universal control for its stakes. Civilized people have long ago lost confidence in the argument that "economic conditions" are responsible for all the changes that occur. Under the camouflage of "economic law" a great many phenomena have been accounted for which were not due to any "law" whatever, except the law of the selfish human will as operated by the men who have the purpose and the power to use the nation as their vassals.
"Economic" reason no longer explains the condition in which the world finds itself today. Neither does the ordinary explanation of "the heartlessness of Capital." "Capital" has endeavored as never before to meet the demands of "Labor," and labor has gone to extremes in leading capital to new concessions-but what has it advantaged either of them? "Labor" has heretofore thought that "Capital" was the sky over it, and it made the sky yield. But behold, there was yet another higher sky which neither capital nor labor had seen in their struggles with one another. That sky is so far unyielding.
There is a super-capitalism which is supported wholly by the fiction that gold is wealth. There is a super-government which is allied to no government, which is free from them all, and yet which has its hands in them all. There is a race, a part of humanity, which has never yet been received as a welcome part, and which has succeeded in raising itself to a power that the proudest Gentile race has never claimed. The "labor question," the wage question, the land question, cannot be settled, no question that confronts the peoples of the world can be settled, until first of all this matter of an international super-capitalistic government is settled.
"To the victor belongs the spoils" is an old saying. In a sense it is true that if all this power of control has been gained and held by a few men of a long-despised race, then either they are super-men whom it is powerless to resist or they are ordinary men whom the rest of the world has permitted to obtain an undue and unsafe degree of power Unless the Jews are super-men, the Gentiles will have themselves to blame for what has transpired, and they can look for rectification in a new scrutiny of the situation and a candid examination of the experiences of other countries When tracing all the anti-social and colossally harmful methods of world-control to their source, it is found that the responsible parties all have a common characteristic.
Is it any wonder that the warning which comes across, the sea -"Wait until America becomes awoke to the Jew!" has a new meaning?
"In this divergence between the Gentiles and ourselves in ability to think and reason is to be seen clearly the seal of our election as the chosen people, as higher human beings, in contrast with the Gentiles who have merely instinctive and animal minds. They observe, but they do not foresee, and they invent nothing (except perhaps material things).
It is clear from this that nature herself predestined us to rule and guide the world." (The Fourteenth Protocol.)
The High and Low of Jewish Money-Power
Humanity has become wise enough to discuss those forms of physical sickness over which it formerly drew the veil of shame and secrecy, but political hygiene is not so far advanced. The main source of the sickness of our national body is charged to be the influence of the Jews, and although this was apparent to acute minds years ago, it is now said to have gone so far as to be apparent to the least observing. But while these influences were undermining the mass of the people, higher influences of Jewish origin were operating on the government.
The Jewish Problem in the United States is essentially a city problem; great cities are the areas in which most all national diseases have their origin. It is characteristic of the Jews to gather in numbers, not where land is open nor where raw materials are found, but where the greatest number of people abide.
This is a noteworthy fact when considered alongside the claim that the Gentiles have ostracized them; the Jews congregate in their greatest numbers in those places and among those people where they complain they are least wanted! The explanation most frequently given is this: the genius of the Jew is to live off people, not off land, nor off the production of commodities from raw materials, but off people.
Let other people till the soil; the Jew, if he can, will live off the tiller. Let other people toil at trades and manufacture; the Jew will exploit the fruits of their work. That is his particular genius. If this genius be described as parasitic, the term would seem to be justified by a certain fitness.
In no other city of the United States can the Jewish Problem be studied with greater profit than in the city of New York. There are more Jews in New York than anywhere else in the world; at least one Jew in every ten resides in New York. Jews exert more power in New York, and from New York, than they have ever exerted during the Christian era in any place, with the exception of present Russia. The Jewish Revolution of Russia was manned from New- York.
The Jewish government of Russia was transported almost as a unit from the lower East Side of New York. The general run of shopkeeping, from the great departmental stores to the smallest "junk" shop, is practically monopolized by Jews. The legal profession is predominantly Jewish. From news agencies that distribute news to the newspapers, to the newspaper that prints it, to the newsstand that distributes the national reading matter, the control and in most cases the ownership is entirely Jewish. In Wall Street the Jewish element is both numerous and powerful, as might be expected of a race which from early days has played an important part in the financial operations of the world.
The Rothschild Method
Jewish high finance first touched the United States through the Rothschilds. Indeed, it may be said that the United States founded the Rothschild fortunes. As so often occurs in the tale of Jewish riches, the fortune was founded in war. The first 20 million dollars the Rothschilds ever had to speculate with was the money paid for Hessian troops to fight against the American colonies. Since that first indirect connection with American affairs, the Rothschilds have often invaded the money affairs of the country, though always by agents. None of the Rothschild sons thought it necessary to establish himself in the newly-founded United States.
Anslem remained in Frankfort, Solomon chose Vienna, Nathan Mayer went to London, Charles established himself in Naples, and James represented the family in Paris. These were the five war-lords of Europe for more than a generation, and their dynasty was continued by their successors.
Rothschild power, as it was once known, has been so broadened by the entry of other banking families into governmental finance, that it must now be known not by the name of one family of Jews, but by the name of the race. Thus it is spoken of as International Jewish Finance, and its principal figures are described as International Jewish Financiers. Much of the veil of secrecy which contributed. so greatly to the Rothschild power has been stripped away; war finance has been labeled for all time as "blood money," and the mysterious magic surrounding large transactions between governments and individuals, by which individual controllers of large wealth were made the real rulers of the people, has been largely solved and the plain. facts disclosed.
The Rothschild method still holds good, however, in that Jewish institutions are affiliated with their racial institutions in all foreign countries. As a leading student of financial affairs puts it, the world of high finance is largely a Jewish world because of the Jewish financiers "absence from national or patriotic illusions."
To the International Jewish Financier the ups and downs of war and peace between the nations are hut the changes of the world's financial market; and, as frequently the movement of stocks is manipulated for purposes of market strategy, so sometimes international relations are affected for mere financial gain.
It is known that the first world war was postponed several times at the behest of international financiers. If it broke out too soon, it would not involve the states which the international financiers wished to involve. Therefore, the masters of gold, the international masters, were compelled several times to check the martial enthusiasm which their own propaganda had aroused. The Jewish Press alleges that there was discovered a Rothschild Letter dated 1911, and urging the Kaiser against war. The year 1911 was too early. There was no such insistence in 1914.
There is no question whatever of International Jewish Finance being deeply concerned in the matter of war and revolution- this is never denied as to the past; it is Just as true of the present. The league against Napoleon, for example, was Jewish. Its headquarters were in Holland. When Napoleon invaded Holland, the headquarters were moved to Frankfort on-the-Main.
It is remarkable how many of the International Jewish Financiers have come out of Frankfurt-the Rothschilds, the Schiffs, the Speyers, to name but a few. Jewish influence in German affairs came strongly to the front during the 19141918 war. It came with all the directness and attack of a flying wedge, as if previously prepared. There are no stronger contrasts in the world than the pure Germanic and pure Semitic races; therefore, there has been no harmony between the two in Germany, and though Jewish influence became strong in that country it was not gained without challenge, but Jewish power became paramount in the Revolution which followed the war.
The Revolution would not have come if they had not brought it. The principal Jewish influences which brought down German order may be named under three heads:
(a) the spirit of Bolshevism which masqueraded under the name of German Socialism; (b) Jewish ownership and control of the Press;
(c) Jewish control of the food supply and the industrial machinery of the country.
There was a fourth, "higher up," but these worked upon the German people directly. It will be recalled that the German collapse in that war was directly due to food starvation and material shortages, and to industrial unrest.
As early as the second year of the war, German Jews were preaching that German defeat was necessary to the rise of the proletariat. Strovel declared: "I openly admit that a full victory of the country would not be in the interest of the Social Democrats." And also: "The exaltation of the proletariat after a won victory is an impossibility." Revolution is the expression of the Jews' will to power. Parties are but tools for the Jewish plan to power. The so-called "dictatorship of the proletariat" is really and practically the dictatorship of the Jews.
The 1914-1918 war brought about a condition which threw a new light on the internationalism of Jewish finance. During the years of American neutrality there was opportunity to observe the extent of the foreign affiliations of certain men, and also the extent to which ordinary national loyalty was subordinated to the business of international finance.
That war really forced a coalition of Gentile capital on one side of the struggle, as against certain blocks of Jewish capital which were willing to play both sides. The old Rothschild maxim: "Do not put all your eggs in one basket," becomes perfectly plain when transposed into national and international terms. Jewish finance treats political parties the same-bets on them both, and so never loses.
In the same way Jewish finance never loses a war. Being on both sides, it cannot miss the winning side, and its terms of peace are sufficient to cover all advances to the side that lost. This was the significance of the great swarming of Jews at the Versailles Peace Conference.
But a strange fatality seems to follow all forms of Jewish supremacy. Just as the capstone is ready to be placed j on the edifice of Jewish triumphs, something occurs and the structure shrinks. It occurs so often in Jewish history is that the Jews themselves have been exercised to find an explanation.
In many cases "anti-Semitism" offers the readiest excuse, but not always. Just at the present time, when the light which was shed by the fires of war has revealed so many matters formerly hidden in shadow, the awakening of world attention is called "anti-Semitism," and the explanation is given that "after every war the Jew becomes the scapegoat" -a curious admission which would lead a less self-centered people to inquire, Why?
Scope of Jewish Money Power
In the firm of Kuhn, Loeb and Company, Jewish finance in the United States reached its high-water mark. The head of this firm was the late Jacob Schiff, who was born in Frankfort-the-Main and whose father was one of the Rothschild brokers. One of Jacob Schiff's associates, Otto Kahn, was bourn in Mannheim, and was early associated with the Speyers, who also originated in Frankfort and who came to great power in England during the reign of Edward VII. Another associate, Felix Warburg, married into Jacob Schiff's family, and the Warburgs became some of the most influential members of America's diplomatic representatives.
Early flank movements of Jewish financiers in America sought out other objectives in foreign countries whose future influence on American affairs proved to be considerable. The first flank movement was toward Central and South America. The financial assistance, practical and advisory, offered to Mexico during the most unsatisfactory period of her relations with the United States was given by Jewish groups. The political upheavals and the financial arrangements in the tiny but strategically placed countries of Central America are too notorious even to occasion comment.
It is known that Jacob Schiff gave material assistance to Japan in the 1905 war with Russia. This was explainable on the ground of good business and also of a desire to revenge Russia's treatment of the Jews. Schiff used the opportunity also to instill the principles, which have since grown up into Bolshevism, into the minds of the Russian prisoners in Japanese war camps. The attempt to gain influence in Japan, in those distant days, came off rather badly. The Japanese kept the business deal strictly a business dead and Mr. Jacob Schiff was displeased with Japan generally.
The idea at the beginning of the century appears to have been to add the newly rising Japan to the string of financial conquests, but the Japanese were credited with knowing much more about the "Jewish peril" than did the Ignited States. This is well worth recalling in view of the intensive propaganda which, for years before the 1914 war and again just before the 1939 war, constantly sought to create misunderstanding between the United States and the Empire of Japan.
Jewry emerged from the 1914-1918 war more strongly entrenched in power, even in the United States, than it was before. In the world at large the ascendancy of the Jew at the present time is even more marked. In those countries which can justly be called unfriendly to the Jew, now or in the recent past, the rule of the Jew is stronger than anywhere else. The more they are opposed the more they show their power. At a moment when, as all Jewish spokesmen inform us, there is a world-wave of "anti-Semitism,"-which is their name for a new awakening of people to what has been going on-what should occur but that at the head of the Chief Magistracy of the Worlds a Jew appears. Nobody seems to know why. Nobody can explain it.
“Disraili of America” – A Jew of Super-Power
In the United States we had a term of Jewish rule almost as absolute as that which exists in Russia. This appears to be a very strong statement, but it is milder than the facts warrant. And the facts are not of hearsay origin, nor the product of a biased point of view; they are the fruits of an inquiry by the lawful officials of the United States who were set aside in favor of a ready-made Jewish Government, and they are forever spread upon the official records of the United States.
The Jews have proved that the control of Wall Street is not necessary to the control of the American people, and the person by whom they proved this was a Wall Street Jew! This man has been called "the pro-consul of Judah in America." It is said that once, referring to himself, he exclaimed: "Behold the Disraeli of the United States!"
To a select committee of the Congress of the United States he said:
"I probably had more power than perhaps any other man did to the war; doubtless that is true."
EDITOR'S NOTE: The League of Nations is referred to in the original (1920) text and the same factor arises in the present direction of the "United Nations." The more it changes, the more it is the same thing!
EDITOR'S NOTE: In each instance the 1914-1918 war is referred to, during the administration of President Wilson. It is a vital fact that the same man (Baruch) was the right-hand man of President Roosevelt throughout the Roosevelt peace and war administrations!
He did not overstate the case. He did have more power. It was not all legal power, this much he admitted. It reached into every home and store and factory and bank and railway and mine. It touched armies and governments. It touched recruiting boards. It made and unmade men without a word. It was power without responsibility and without limit. It was such a power as compelled the Gentile population to lay bare every secret before this man and his Jewish associates, giving them an advantage and knowledge that billions of gold could not buy.
Not one American in a million ever heard of this man before the entry of the United States into the war in 1917. He glided out of a certain obscurity unlighted by public service of fame, into the high ruler-ship of the nation at war. The constituted government had little to do with him save vote the money and do his bidding. He said that men could have appealed over his head to the President of the United States but, knowing the situation, men never did. Who was, who is, this figure, colossal in his way, and most instructive of the readiness of Judah to take the rule whenever he desires? His name is Bernard M. Baruch. He was born in South Carolina in the 1870's, the son of a Jewish doctor, Dr. Simon Baruch.
He was graduated at the College of the City of New York when he was just under 19 years of age. After going down to Wall Street as a clerk and a runner, and v. hen he "was about 26 or 27," he became a member of the firm of A. A. Housman and Company. "In about 1900 or 1902" he left the firm, but he had meanwhile gained a seat on the Stock Exchange.
EDITOR'S NOTE: In the second world war, in which the man was all powerful, his close friend, Winston Churchill, was British Prime Minister. It is significant that the "concentration of industry" system in Britain threw all commercial secrets into the hands of monopolist cartels, and the secrets of British military and industrial developments were made freely available to Jewish manipulators.
He then went into business himself, a statement which must be taken literally in view of his testimony that he
"Did not do any business for anybody but myself. I made a study of the corporations engaged in the production and manufacture of different things, and a study of the men engaged in them."
Emerging from his evidence before Congress, Baruch's operations are seen to be in various fields; principally in the field of metals and the organization of various commercial enterprises. He was instrumental also in the purchase of tobacco companies, various copper, steel tungsten, rubber and smelting companies, and he was responsible for the building up of the great industries in rubber in Mexico. As a young man, he is found to be the master of large sums of money, and there is no indication that he inherited any. He is very wealthy. What change the war made in his wealth is not known, but certainly many of his friends and closest associates reaped great quantities of money from their activities during the war.
Dictator Baruch
Cross-examined by the Congress Inquiry it was amply proved that Baruch's influence over President Wilson made such changes in the Administration as to make Baruch the most powerful man in the war. The Council of National Defense eventually became the merest side show.
It was not a Council of Americans that ran the war, it was an autocracy headed by a Jew, with Jews at every strategic point down the line. In his own evidence he describes one of his visits to the President in 1915. Mr. Baruch:
"I thought a war was coming long before it did .... I explained to him as earnestly as I could that I was very deeply concerned about the necessity of the mobilization of the industries of the country. The President listened very attentively and graciously, as he always does .... My attention was brought to the Council of National Defense The Secretary of War asked me what I thought of it. I sand I would like to have something different."
A council is a council. Mr. Baruch wanted some thing different. He did get something different. He got the President to change matters so as to make Mr. Baruch the "most powerful man in the war." What Baruch did was very masterly, but it was not in the American manner. No one but a member of his race would have wanted to do it. There is no discounting the testimony Baruch gave before Congress. The President of the United States did exactly what Baruch wanted in a thousand ways, and what Baruch apparently wanted was a ruling hand on productive America, and he got it.
He got it in a larger way than even Lenin or his successors ever got in Russia; for here in the United States the people saw nothing but the patriotic element; they did not see the Jewish Government looming above them. Yet it was there. So Baruch did things. Before he got through, he was head and center of a system of control such as the United States Government never possessed and never will possess until it changes its character as a free government. As told by himself, his power consisted in the following authorities:
1. Authority over the use of capital in the private business of Americans. (This authority was nominally under the Capital Issues Committee, the controlling factor of which was another Jew, Eugene Meyer, Jr.)
2. Authority over all materials. This, of course, included everything. Mr. Baruch was an expert in many of the lines of materials involved, and had held interests in many of them. In lines where Mr. Baruch was not an expert he, of course, had other experts in charge; Jews. "The members of that committee were pierced out by myself; the industries did not pick them out," he stated.
3. Authority over industries. He determined where coal might be shipped, where steel might be sold, where S industries might be operated and where not. He said, it is in his recorded testimony, that there were 361 or i 357 lines of industry under his control in the United S States including "practically every raw material in the S world. I had the final authority."
4. Authority over the cases of men to be called to mild tare serge. Baruch virtually pointed out to the Provost Marshall of the United States, the classes of men to be taken into the army. "We had to decide virtually the necessity of things," he said. "We had to decide that the less-essential industries would have to be curbed, and it was from them that the man-power would have to be taken for the army.
It was, of course, necessary that some ruling should be made, but why one man, why always this one man?
EDITOR'S NOTE: The extension of the "control of industry and materials system in World War 2 and the development of the methods and powers of Baruch and his political associates in the "Western Democracies" in the latter war, make an interesting parallel to the disclosures in Congress after the first world war. The Plan in progress, is fact.
5. Authority over the personnel of labor in the count.
"We decided upon a dilution of men with women labor, which was a thing that had always been fought by the labor unions." "We fixed the prices for the total production, not alone for the army and the navy, but for the Allies and the civilian population. And now behold as complete an illustration of one part of the Protocols as ever could be found in any Gentile Government: "We will force up wages which, however, will be of no benefit to the workers, for we will at the same time cause a rise in the prices of necessities" (The First Protocol.)
It was not only during the war, but also after the Armistice, that tokens of signal choice were showered on Baruch. He went to the Versailles Peace Conference as a part of the President's entourage. Mr. Baruch:
"Whenever he asked my advice I gave it. I had something to do with the reparations clauses. I was the American Commissioner in charge of what they called the 'Economic Section.' I was a member of the Supreme Economic Council in charge of raw materials."
Baruch admitted in his evidence that he sat in council with the men who were negotiating the Peace Treaty and that he participated in the meeting of the "Big Five" Premiers. Jews were so conspicuous in the American Mission as to excite comment everywhere. Frenchmen called Versailles the "Kosher Conference." So numerous and ubiquitous were the International Jews, headed by Baruch, so firmly established in the inner councils, that the keen observer, Dr. E. J. Dillon, in his book, "The Inside Story of the Peace Conference" (Harpers), said this:
"It may seem amazing to some readers, but it is none the less a fact, that a considerable number of delegates believed that the real influences behind the Anglo-Saxon peoples were Semitic." (p.496).
And again:
Go. . . the sequence of expedients framed and enforced in this direction were inspired by the Jews, assembled in Paris for the purpose of realizing their carefully thought-out program, which they succeeded in having substantially executed . . . The formula into which this policy was thrown by the members of the Conference, whose countries it affected, and who regarded it as fatal to the peace of Eastern Europe, was this: 'Henceforth the world will be governed by the Anglo-Saxon peoples. who in their turn, are swayed by their Jewish elements'." (p. 497).
This is not the whole story by any means. Why was Baruch chosen to be the first Dictator of the United States? What had he been, what had he done, that he should have been chosen as head and front of governmental power in the first world war, the first major war in which the United States were involved, and which turned that country from a debtor nation into the most powerful of all time in military and financial power? And with a minimum of military sacrifice and comparatively trifling effort His antecedents do not account for it. Neither his personal nor commercial attainments account for it. What does?
Men who can manipulate this political and money power in time of war can do so in time of peace. The United States is living under some of the peace-manipulation now. The operating groups, governments, are bankrupt. Only their power of confiscation keeps them up. The United States, commonly referred to as the richest country in the world, is just as poor as a government as is any other; it is in debt and borrowing. And its creditors are constant discounting their obligations and putting it into worse hands than ever.
The amount of our National Debt is the measure of our enslavement to Jewish World Finance. We live in a democracy, yet loans are contracted that always cost more than the amount of the loan, and no one has a word to say about it. We Americans do not know how much interest we pay every year, and we don't know to whom we pay it.
"We shall handle the Press in the following manner:
1. "We shall saddle it and keep tight reign upon it. We shall do the same also with other printed matter, for of what use is it to rid ourselves of attacks in the Press, if we remain exposed to criticism through pamphlets and books?"
2. "Not one announcement will reach the people save under our supervision. We have attained this at the present time to the extent that all news is received through several agencies in which it is centralized from all parts of the world "
3. "Literature and journalism are two most important educational forces, and consequently our government will become the owner of most of the journals. If we permit ten private journals, we shall organize thirty of our own, and so on. This must not be suspected by the public, for which reason all the journals published by us will be externally of the most contrary opinions and tendencies thus evoking confidence in them and attracting our unsuspecting opponents, who thus will be caught in our trap and rendered harmless." (The Twelfth Protocol.)
The Battle for Press Control
The first instinctive answer which the Jew makes to any criticism of his race coming from a non-Jew is that of violence, threatened or inflicted. This statement will be confirmed by hundreds of thousands of citizens of the United States who have heard the evidence with their own ears, seen it with their own eyes. If the candid investigator of the Jewish Question happens to be in business, the "boycott" is the first answer of which the Jews seem to think. Whether it be a newspaper, or a mercantile establishment, or a hotel, or a dramatic production; or any manufactured article whose maker has adopted the policy that "my goods are for sale, but not my principles" -if there is any manner of business connection with the student of the Jewish Question, the first "answer" is "boycott."
The technique of this: a "whispering drive" is first begun. Disquieting rumors begin to fly thick and fast. "Watch us get him, is the word that is passed along. Jews in charge of national ticker news services adopt the slogan of "a rumor a day." All leading news agencies in America are Jew-controlled. Jews in charge of newspapers adopt the policy of Bra slurring headline a day." Jews in charge of the newsboys on the streets (all the street concerns are preempted by Jewish "padrones" who permit only their own boys to sell) give orders to emphasize certain news in their street cries-"a new yell against him every day. " The whole campaign against the critic of Jewry, whoever he may be, is keyed to the threat, "Watch us get him." "The whispering drive," "the boycott," these are the chief Jewish answers. They constitute the bone and the sinew of that state of mind in non-Jews which is known as "the fear of the Jews."
Bennett’s Struggle
This is the story of a boycott which lasted over a number of years; it is only one of numerous stories of the same kind which can be told of America. There have been even more outstanding cases since this one, but it dates back to the dawn of Jewish ambitions and power in the United States, and it is the first of the great battles which Jewry waged, successfully, to snuff out the independent Press.
It concerns the long defunct "New York Herald," one newspaper to remain independent of Jewish influence in New York. The Herald enjoyed an existence of 90 years, which was terminated in 1920 by the inevitable amalgamation. It performed great feats in the world of news-gathering. It sent Henry M. Stanley to Africa to find Livingstone. It backed the Jeannette expedition to the Arctic regions. It was largely instrumental in having the first Atlantic cables laid. Its reputations among newspaper men was that neither its news nor its editorial columns could be bought or influenced.
But perhaps its greatest feat was the maintenance during many years of its journalistic independence against the combined attack of New York Jewry. Its proprietor, the late James Gordon Bennett, a great American citizen famed for many helpful activities, had always maintained a friendly attitude toward the Jews of his city. He apparently harbored no prejudices against them. Certainly he never deliberately antagonized them. But he was resolved upon preserving the honor of independent journalism.
He never bent to the policy that the advertisers had something to say about the editorial policy of the paper, either as to influencing it for publication or suppression. In Bennett's time the American Press was in the majority free. Today it is entirely Jewish controlled. This control is variously exercised, sometimes resting only on the owners' sense of expediency. But the control is there, and for the moment it is absolute. Fifty years ago there were many more newspapers in New York than there are today, since then amalgamation has reduced the competition to a select few who do not compete. Lois development has been the same in other countries, particularly Great Britain.
EDITOR'S NOTE: Following the rise of the "popular" syndicated "columnist" since 1920, the word is now "smear," it is specially prominent in political-press affairs.
Bennett's Herald, a three cent newspaper, enjoyed the highest prestige and was the most desirable advertising medium due to the class of its circulation. At that time the Jewish population of New York was less than one-third of what it is today, but there was much wealth represented in it. Now, what every newspaper man knows is this: most Jewish leaders are always interested either in getting a story published or getting it suppressed.
There is no class of people who read the public press with so careful an eye to their own affairs as do the Jews. The Herald simply adopted the policy from the beginning of this form of harassment that it was not to be permitted to sway the Herald from its duty as a public informant.
And this policy had a reflex advantage for the other newspapers in the city. When a scandal occurred in Jewish circles (and at the turn of the century growing Jewish influence in America produced many) influential Jews would swarm into the editorial offices to arrange for the suppression of the story. But the editors knew that the Herald would not suppress anything for anybody.
What was the use of one paper suppressing if the others would not? So editors would say: We would be very glad to suppress this story, but the Herald will use it, so we'll have to do the same in self-protection. However, if you can get the Herald to suppress it, we will gladly do so, too. But the Herald never succumbed, neither pressure of influence nor promise of business nor threats of loss availed. It printed the news.
There was a certain Jewish banker who periodically demanded that Bennett discharge the Herald's financial editor. The banker was in the business of disposing of Mexican bonds at a time when such bonds were least secure. Once when an unusually large number of bonds were to be unloaded on unsuspecting Americans, the Herald published the story of an impending Mexican revolution, which presently ensued. The banker frothed at the mouth and moved every influence he could to change the Herald's financial staff, but was not able to effect the change even of an office boy.
Once when a shocking scandal involved a member of a prominent family, Bennett refused to suppress it, arguing that if the episode had occurred in a family of any other race it would be published regardless of the prominence of the figures involved. The Jews of Philadelphia secured suppression there, but because of Bennett's unflinching stand there was no suppression in New York. A newspaper is a business proposition. There are some matters it cannot touch without putting itself in peril of becoming a defunct concern.
This is especially true since newspapers no longer receive their main support from the public but from the advertisers. The money the reader gives for the paper scarcely suffices to pay for the amount of white paper he receives. In this way, advertisers cannot be disregarded any more than the paper mills can be. As the most extensive advertisers in New York were, and are, the department stores, and as most department stores were, and are, owned by Jews, it comes logically that Jews often influence the news policies of the papers with whom they deal.
At this time, it had always been the burning ambition of the Jews to elect a Jewish Mayor of New York. They selected a time when the leading parties were disrupted to push forward their choice. The method they adopted was characteristic. They reasoned that the newspapers would not dare to refuse the dictum of the combined department store owners, so they drew up a "strictly confidential" letter which they sent to the owners of the New York newspapers, demanding support for the Jewish mayoralty candidate. The newspaper owners were in a quandary. For several days they debated how to act.
All remained silent. The editors of the Herald cabled the news to Bennett who was abroad. Then it was that Bennett exhibited that boldness and directness of judgment which characterized him. He cabled back, "Print the letter." It was printed in the Herald, the arrogance of the Jewish advertisers was exposed, and non-Jewish New York breathed easier and applauded the action.
The Herald explained frankly that it could not support a candidate of private interests, because it was devoted to the interests of the public. But the Jewish leaders vowed vengeance against the Herald and against the man who dared to expose their game. They had not liked Bennett for a long time, anyway. The Herald was the real "society paper" of New York, but Bennett had a rule that only the names of really prominent families should be printed. The stories of the efforts of newly-rich Jews to break into the Herald's society columns are some of the best that are told by old newspaper men.
The whole "war" culminated in a contention which arose between Bennett and Nathan Straus, a German-Jew whose business house was known under the name of "R. H. Macy and Company," Macy being the Scotsman who built up the business and from whose heirs Straus obtained it. Straus was something of a philanthropist in the ghetto, but the story goes that Bennett's failure to proclaim him as a philanthropist led to ill-feeling. A long newspaper-war ensued, the subject of which was the pasteurization of milk, a stupid discussion which no one took seriously, save Bennett and Straus.
The Jews, of course, took Straus' side. Jewish speakers made the welkin ring with laudation of Nathan Straus and maledictions upon James Bennett. Bennett was pictured in the most vile business of "persecuting" a noble Jew. It went so far that the Jews were able to put resolutions through the Board of Aldermen. Long since, of course, Straus, a very heavy advertiser, had withdrawn every dollar's worth of his business from the Herald. And now the combined and powerful elements of New York Jewry gathered to deal a staggering blow at Bennett. The Jewish policy of "Dominate or Destroy" was at stake, and Jewry declared war.
EDITOR'S NOTE: It is significant that, in the long years since this first 'food war," the business of "processing" and "substituting" pure foods, messing about with natural food-stuffs, has developed into a world wide business; mostly controlled by Jews.
As one man, the Jewish advertisers withdrew their advertisements. Their assigned reason was that the Herald was showing animosity against the Jews. The real purpose of their action was to crush an American newspaper owner who dared to be independent of them. The blow they delivered was a staggering one. It meant the loss of 600,000 dollars a year. Any other newspaper in New York would have been put out of business by it. The Jews knew that and sat back, waiting for the downfall of the man they chose to consider their enemy.
But Bennett was a fighter. Besides, he knew the Jewish psychology probably better than any other non-Jew in New York. He turned the tables on his opponents in a startling and unexpected fashion. The coveted positions in his papers had always been used by the Jews. These he immediately turned over to non-Jewish merchants under exclusive contracts. Merchants who had formerly been crowded into the back pages and obscure corners by the more opulent Jews, now blossomed forth full page in the most popular spaces. One of the non-Jewish merchants who took advantage of the new situation was John Wanamaker, whose large advertisements from that time forward were conspicuous in the Bennett newspapers.
The Bennett papers came out with undiminished circulation and full advertising pages. The well-planned catastrophe did not, then occur. Instead, there was a rather comical surprise. Here were the non-Jewish merchants of America enjoying the choicest service of a valuable advertising medium, while the Jewish merchants were unrepresented. Unable to stand the spectacle of trade being diverted to non-Jewish merchants, the Jews came back to Bennett, requesting the use of his columns for advertising. The "boycott" had been hardest on the boy-cotters. Bennett received all who came, displaying no rancor. They wanted their old positions back, but Bennett said, No. They argued, but Bennett said, No. They offered more money, but Bennett said, No. The choice positions had been forfeited.
Bennett triumphed, but it proved a costly victory. All the time Bennett was resisting them, the Jews were growing more powerful in New York, and they were obsessed by the idea that to control journalism in New York meant to control the thought of the whole country. The number of newspapers gradually diminished through combinatorial of publications.
Adolph S. Ochs, a Philadelphia Jew, acquired the "New York Times." He soon made it into a great newspaper, but one whose bias is to serve the Jews. It is the quality of the Times as a newspaper that makes it so weighty as a Jewish organ. In this paper the Jews are persistently lauded, eulogized and defended, no such tenderness is granted other races. Then Hearst came into the field, a dangerous agitator because he not only agitates the wrong things, but because he agitates the wrong class of people. He surrounded himself with a coterie of Jews, pandered to them, worked hand in glove with them, but never told the truth about them, never gave them away.
The trend toward Jewish control of the press set in strongly, and has continued that way ever since. The old names, made great by great editors and American policies, slowly dimmed. A newspaper is founded either on a great editorial mind, in which event it becomes the expression of a powerful personality, or it becomes institutionalized as to policy and becomes a commercial establishment. In the latter event, its chances for continuing life beyond the lifetime of its founder are much stronger.
The Herald was Bennett, and with his passing it was inevitable that a certain force and virtue should depart out of it. Bennett, advancing in age, dreaded lest his newspaper, on his death should fall into the hands of the Jews. He knew that they regarded it with longing. He knew that they had pulled down, seized, and afterward built up many an agency that had dared to speak the truth about them, and boasted about it as a conquest for Jewry.
Bennett loved the Herald as a man loves a child. He so arranged his will that the Herald should not fall into individual ownership, but that its revenues should flow into a fund for the benefit of the men who had worked to make the Herald what it was. He died in May, 1919. The Jewish enemies of the Herald, eagerly watchful, once more withdrew their advertising to force, if possible, the sale of the newspaper. They knew that if the Herald became a losing proposition, the trustees would have no course but to sell, notwithstanding Bennett's will.
But there were also interests in New York who were beginning to realize the peril of a Jewish press. These interests provided a sum of money for the Herald's purchase by Frank A. Munsey. Then, to general astonishment, Munsey discontinued the gallant old paper, and bestowed its name as part of the name of the "New York Sun." The newspaper managed by Bennett is extinct. The men who worked on it were scattered abroad in the newspaper field and, in the main, retired or dead.
Even though the Jews had not gained actual possession of the Herald, they at least succeeded in driving another non-Jewish newspaper from the field. They set about obtaining control of several newspapers, their victory is now complete. But the victory was a financial victory over a dead man. The moral victory, as well as the financial victory, remained with Bennett while he lived; the moral victory still remains with the Herald. It demonstrated what could be done by fearless, independent minds, supported by men who knew their work and loved it for its own sake.
It demonstrated what could have been achieved had these men received the support of wide-awake, active, non-Jewish Americans. The Herald is immortalized as the last bulwark against Jewry in New York, in America.
Today the Jews are more completely masters of the journalistic field in New York than they are in any capital in Europe. Indeed, in Europe there frequently emerges a newspaper that gives the real news of the Jews. There is none in New York. And thus the situation will remain until Americans shake themselves from their long sleep, and look with steady eyes at the national situation. That look will be enough to show them all, and their very eyes will quail the oriental usurpers.
"Our triumph has been rendered easier by the fact that in our relations with the men whom we wanted we have always worked upon the most sensitive chords of the hymn mind, upon the cash account, upon the cupidity, upon the insatiability for material needs of man; and each one Of these human weaknesses, taken alone, is sufficient to paralyze initiative, for it hands over the will of men to the disposition of him who has bought their activities." (The First Protocol.)
The State of All-Judaan
Judaism is the most closely organized power on earth. It forms a State whose citizens are unconditionally loyal wherever they may be and whether rich or poor. The name which is given to this State, which circulates among all the states, is "All-Judaan." The means of power of the State of All-Judaan are capital and journalism, or money and propaganda.
All-Judaan is the only State that exercises world government; all the other States can and may exercise national government only. The principal culture of All-Judaan is journalistic; the technical, scientific, literary performances of the modern Jew are throughout journalistic performances. They are due to the marvelous talent of the Jews for receptivity of others' ideas. Capital and Journalism are joined in the Press to create a political and spiritual medium of Jewish power.
The government of this State of All-Judaan is wonderfully organized. Paris was the first seat, but has now been moved to a lower place. Before 1914 London was its first, and New York its second capital. New York now supplants London. All-Judaan is not in a position to have a standing army and navy, other states supply these for it. It was the British Fleet which guarded from hindrance the progress of all-Jewish world economy, or that part of it which depends on the sea. In return, All-Judaan assured Britain an undisturbed political and territorial rule.
New York supplanted London. The drift of the Jews in the 19th century, expedited into a great flood after World War I, made the United States the seat of Jewish power and influence. "America," and her fleets, armies, citizens, takes the place of Britain as the "ruler of the world." It merely means that Jewry has moved from the British Empire to the American Continent.
All-Judaan is willing to entrust the government of various strips of the world to nationalistic governments; it only asks to control the governments. Judaism is passionately in favor of perpetuating nationalistic divisions for the Gentile world. For themselves, Jews never became assimilated with any nation. They are a separate people, always were and always will be. All-Judaan's only quarrel with any nation occurs when that nation makes it impossible, or tries to make it so, for All-Judaan to control that nation's industrial and financial profits. It can make war, it can make peace; it can command anarchy in stubborn cases, it can restore order. It holds the sinews of world power in its hand and it apportions them among the nations in such ways as will best support All-Judaan's plan.
Controlling the world's source of news, All-Judaan can always prepare the minds of the people for its next move. The greatest exposure yet to be made is the way that news is manufactured and the way in which the mind of whole nations is molded for a purpose. When the powerful Jew is at last traced and his hand revealed, then comes the ready cry of persecution and it echoes through the world press.
The real cause of the persecution (which is the oppression of the people by the financial practices of the Jews) is never given publicity. All-Judaan has its vice-governments in every capital. Having wreaked its vengeance on Germany, it will go forth to conquer other nations. Britain it already has. France and Russia it has long held. The United States, with its good-natured tolerance of all races, offered a promising field. All-Judaan is here. The scene of operations changes, but the Jew is the same throughout the centuries.-END-
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